Assessments for an accessible future

Dyslexia commonly presents itself as difficulties with developing reading and spelling skills in individuals who often have other strengths (such as good verbal skills) which seem at odds with their literacy development/skills. It can also affect many aspects of day-to-day life, such as planning and organisation skills.

Why undertake an assessment?

A diagnosis of dyslexia allows an individual to fully understand their strengths and weaknesses and is often the first step in getting appropriate strategies put in place to allow them to achieve their full potential.

In addition to recommending strategies within the classroom, a diagnostic assessment can also help individuals access:

  • Disabled Students' Allowance (DSA).

  • Exam Access Arrangements whilst studying at school, college, university and other professional qualifications.

  • Reasonable adjustments in the workplace.

The 2010 Equality Act recognises dyslexia as a disability because it is a lifelong condition that puts those who are diagnosed with it at a disadvantage. Employers and educational settings must make reasonable adjustments to ensure that people with dyslexia are not disadvantaged. A dyslexia diagnosis is often the first step towards such measures being put in place.

Please note - a screener test can not confirm dyslexia. This can only be achieved with a full, in-depth diagnostic assessment.

Learn about the assessment service offered and get in touch.